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CneasÚ Holistic Healing Hub, Community, Retreats, Support & In Person Events..


CneasÚ (Kna 'Su) means Healing in the Irish Language

Follow this Community and engage via our Social Media Pages for all updates!

Cneasú is on Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook & Eventbrite We also have a Cneasú Whatsapp Group & Facebook Group Page! Click to Join!


CneasÚ is a Holistic Wellness Hub created by Doireann Barrett and hosted by The Gluten Free Kitchen Company Food & Wellness Community.

I am Doireann Barrett  and I set up support groups back in 2012 in my Café where we would meet up for regular support. In late 2014 when I closed my café I moved the support online and renamed the Community to cneasÚ in 2021 as part of The Gluten Free Kitchen Company Community to create a hub where we can build a community to support each other who are adapting or living their lives with chronic health conditions or navigating difficult paths.

After a lifetime of difficult health symptoms since birth, annual Cervical Screening from the age of 20 years old in 1999 & surviving a brain clot at 24 shortly after having my first child, I was finally diagnosed in 2004 at the age of 25 with Coeliac Disease which is a condition where your immune system attacks your own tissues when you eat the protein gluten or the grains wheat, rye, barley and for many Coeliacs, Oats (even the Gluten Free ones). This damages your gut (small intestine) so your body cannot properly take in nutrients. Coeliac disease can cause a range of 300 symptoms.

Within a year, in 2005, I was then diagnosed with Stage 4 Endometriosis which is a Chronic Systemic Inflammatory Disease which can cause serious adverse health conditions where cells (endometriotic) are found throughout the body, found most frequently in the pelvis affecting the pelvic structures, ovaries, bowel, bladder, ureters (tubes from kidney to bladder). These cells can also be found in the diaphragm, lung, pericardium ( sac surrounding your heart), skin & brain. Endometriosis is a common condition and has been found in approx 1 in 9 women, Endometriosis has also been found in Fetuses, Transgender & Cis Males.

From an infant I suffered from severe gut issues & my symptoms began to get more extreme as early as 11 years old once my menstrual cycle began, where I lived with incredibly debilitating symptoms.

I had my first Women's Health Diagnosis in 1999 in Australia where I was advised to have yearly Cervical Screening and after I had my first child at the age of 23, my immune system began to crash so severely.

I researched my severe symptoms and found very little information and fought for tests, even as a patient with Health Insurance I found it difficult to access tests.

I was 25 & 26 when I finally got a medical diagnosis of Coeliac Disease and then Stage 4 Endo and continued to struggle to access any appropriate care in Ireland & struggled to access appropriate Endometriosis treatment for another 18 years post diagnosis after more than 2 decades by then of severe symptoms to even find a formal diagnosis.

In 2021 I learned that Ireland did not in fact have an Endometriosis Framework when the Minister of Health announced he was investing funding into an Endometriosis Framework that is due to be published in 2025.

I know only too well the difficulties of living with difficult physical conditions which lead me to set up The Gluten Free Kitchen Company Community in 2011 sharing my lived experiences of life living with my health condition and how I learned that an anti inflammatory diet helped manage my debilitating symptoms.

In 2012 I introduced the Wellness Services such as the sale of supplements etc and 2015 created a social media platform dedicated to my experiences living with Endometriosis to meet new people who were travelling similar paths.

I began growing a community online & offline to further support our emotional needs through creating platforms where we can meet others navigating similar journeys.

I have had 6 organs removed since 2016 and found it very difficult to find emotional support & correct information regarding the reality of life after organ loss for our Endometriosis struggles so saw an opportunity to further focus on the Cneasú Community.

I am trained in Holistic Wellness Practices and CneasÚ was born out of 30 years of learning from indigenous tribal rituals, holistic therapies and sharing with this community a range of lifestyle tips I use to help benefit life living with my health conditions.

In June 2023 I won a Community Achievement Award in the Irish Women's Awards in Dublin for my community work.

I went on to study Nutrition in 2020 and then Psychology & Mental Health in 2022 and I am currently studying Radio Journalism & Podcasting and do lots of volunteer work with people who have experienced trauma through Chronic Illness, Addiction and Loss by hosting events where we can gather and hold space for where we are on our healing journey!

I recently became a Mental Health Ireland First Aider completing my Certificate Course in October 2024.

Cneasú is a Holistic Hub that hosts Retreats, Workshops, Support Groups & Events in person and online throughout the year.

In March 2024 Cneasú hosted Ireland's First/ Inaugural Endometriosis Awareness Month Retreat in the Ballygarry Estate in Tralee, Co. Kerry (Ire).

Check out our Events page on Instagram for events throughout the year.

Throughout the Year, Cneasú run, Support Groups, Workshops, Retreats & Events where we gather for Yoga, Sound Therapy, Holistic Treatments and make new friendships and sharing our experiences with likeminded tribes! Keep an eye on our website, social platforms and Eventbrite for upcoming events.

Upcoming Events:

Event: Cneasú Community Monthly Coffee Meet Up

Venue: Flower Power, 3 Denny Street, Tralee, Co. Kerry (Ire)

Date: February 22nd 2025

Time: 12pm to 1pm (ish)

Description: The Cneasú Community Monthly Meet Up is an opportunity to come together to meet new people in the community for support and friendship.

Maybe you are newly diagnosed and would like to meet others in the community navigating similarities or you would like to bring a loved one along to learn more about the health conditions people are living with in the community that you would like some extra understanding, shared knowledge or support with.

Come join us for a chat and a cuppa.

*Cost: There is no cost to attend Monthly Meet Ups, All Welcome. Purchasing beverages & or food is encouraged to support the venue as a matter of courtesy for facilitating our gathering. Registration is required to attend as each venue has limited seating. Register through Eventbrite HERE! 

This event is not suitable for children or toddlers. Over 16's welcome, if you are under 18 you must be accompanied by an adult.


Cneasú Endometriosis Awareness Month Retreat - March 2025

Date: Friday March 7th to Sunday March 9th 2025

Venue : Ballygarry Estate & Spa, Leebrook, Tralee, Co. Kerry (Ire)

Full Weekend Packages are currently On Sale directly from Ballygarry Estate Hotel & Spa Booking Site.

The weekend comprises of Group Dinner Friday March 7th in Restaurant 58.

March 8th - Forest Bathing in Ballyseedy Woods followed by Group Lunch in the Brasserie, Spa Afternoon in Nadur Spa. Sound Therapy in the Lodge with Caroline Brolly.

March 9th - The Vicky Phelan Portrait Campaign with Guest Speaker David Brennan followed by Panel Guest. 10.30am to 1pm

Followed by Worldwide Awareness Walk around the Ballygarry Estate & Wetlands 2pm!

Individual Event Tickets available below for anyone not intending to join the full weekend package.

Book your Package Here

This is a Full Weekend Event including overnight accommodation.

Solo Rooms available or Shared Rooms.

One Night Accommodation Rate Also Available but this is not part of the Full Weekend Package.

One Night Package includes Bed & Breakfast for Saturday Night only please book Sound Bowl Therapy in the Lodge & The Vicky Phelan Portrait Campaign through Cneasú direct or Eventbrite.

Please advise accommodation at Ballygarry Estate if you need an extra night rate for the Sunday.

Kerry Airport is located 18kms from the venue which have regular flights from the UK & Dublin (Ire)

Train & Bus Station is 3.6kms

For those wishing to only attend Individual Events - Tickets are available to purchase direct from Cneasú at The Gluten Free Kitchen Company & Eventbrite. These include Sound Bowl Therapy in The Lodge Saturday March 8th & The Vicky Phelan Portrait Campaign on Sunday March 9th

Venue: Ballygarry Estate Hotel & Spa, Leebrook, Tralee, Co. Kerry (Ire)

In March 2024 Cneaú hosted Irelands first Endometriosis Awareness Month Retreat in Ireland dedicated to Women Living with Endometriosis, PCOS, Adenomyosis, Surgical induced Menopause & other Women's Health Related conditions.

Early Bird Rate & Discount for Returning Retreat Guests Available. Limited Availability and Terms & Conditions Apply!

All Welcome. Registration is required to attend. Register through Eventbrite HERE!

More Info here!

Sound Bowl Therapy in the Lodge at Ballygarry Estate with Caroline Brolly March 8th 2025

Date: Saturday March 8th 2025

Venue : Ballygarry Estate & Spa, Leebrook, Tralee, Co. Kerry (Ire)

Join the Cneasú Endometriosis Awareness Month Retreat on International Women's Day, March 8th 2025 for a Sound Therapy Session with Caroline Brolly Sound Therapist in the Rustic Lodge at Ballygarry Estate in Leebrook, Tralee, Co. Kerry (Ire).

The Lodge is the perfect venue for Sound Therapy with its high ceilings.

Bring a Yoga Mat, small pillow and Blanket to this group session.

If you have sensory issues please notify the Sound Therapist or Cneasú in advance, this session is a guided meditation group session and is part of a full weekend Retreat.

If you would like to participate in the full weekend retreat please book directly from Ballygarry Estate Booking Link. 

If you would like to attend the Sound Therapy as an individual event continue to book here.

If you are planning to stay over night be sure to contact Ballygarry direct and quote the "Cneasú One Night Accomodation" for a special B&B Rate.

Tickets are €35 plus booking fee and available direct from Cneasú or Eventbrite.

This event is not suitable for young children or toddlers.

Over 16's only and under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

Full Weekend Packages are currently On Sale directly from Ballygarry Estate Hotel & Spa Booking Site.

The Vicky Phelan Portrait Campaign with Guest Speaker David Brennan followed by Panel Guests - March 9th 2025

Date: Sunday March 9th 2025

Venue : Ballygarry Estate & Spa, Leebrook, Tralee, Co. Kerry (Ire)

Vicky was a prominent women’s health advocate. She was also a mother, wife, education specialist, cancer patient and justice campaigner. Best known for her emotionally charged statement from the steps of the Four Courts in April 2018, she unearthed one of the biggest medical and political scandal of our times. She since become a very public figure, championing many causes, lobbying for experimental drug treatment and establishing the 221+ support group, all while fighting her own battle with cancer and caring for her family. She died in November 2022 at the age of 48.

The Triptych Portrait was painted by Irish artist Vincent Devine who was inspired by Vicky’s incredible courage. His aim was to convey the tragedies and the joys in Vicky’s life, through symbolism in the anatomy of her body and different objects. The portrait was purchased at a charity auction by Vicky’s lifelong friend and fellow Kilkenny native David Brennan. The two grew up together and their families share a close bond. David wanted to ensure the painting remained close to Vicky’s family and friends.

The Vicky Phelan Portrait Campaign will be coming to the Pavillion in Ballygarry Estate on Sunday March 9th 2025 as part of the Cneasú Endometriosis Awareness Month Retreat Weekend.

The Vicky Phelan Portrait is displayed and introduced by David Brennan and is approximately 40minutes followed by a Panel Guest Discussion.

Guest Panel confirmed below;

Doireann Barrett has navigated life with Coeliac Disease & Stage 4 Endometriosis since diagnosis in 2004 & 2005 in Ireland where access to Endometriosis care was so difficult that it lead to setting up The Gluten Free Kitchen Company Food & Wellness Community in 2011 and developing a community support where Cneasu (Kna’su)meaning Healing in the Irish language was established to host Retreats, Support & In Person Events. From Lived experiences Doireann dedicates her time to Campaign Work highlighting the difficulties accessing Specialist Care in Ireland and hosting support groups & events whilst navigating Life with severe symptoms. Doireann will MC the event.

Justyna Strzeszynska is the founder of Joii, a women’s health company dedicated to improving menstrual care through tangible innovation, honest sustainability, and valuable clinical research. Motivated by her personal struggles with extremely heavy periods, anaemia, and spending a week each month in “survival mode” without realizing it wasn’t normal, she set out to develop meaningful solutions to empower everyone with actionable insights. Joii’s flagship product, the Joii Evaluation App and Pad, instantly measures period volume and clot sizes, making it easier than ever to understand and manage menstrual health.

John Wall is a Healthcare Campaigner using his lived experience & that of others, to inform & assist those who manage our public healthcare system.

John is a HSE Mid - West Programme Improvement Board member.

Michelle Walsh has been in the Health and Fitness space for over 19 years studying under renowned experts in women’s health from the UK, Australia, and America. It was Michelle’s own miscarriage journey which spanned over a 5 year period that led her to specializing in Women's Health. Michelle draws on her own experience and extensive knowledge to support and guide Women of all ages on their hormonal and fertility health.

Through her Period Power programme, Monthly workshops, continuous work in the field of school menstrual cycle awareness

David Brennan is a lifelong friend of Vicky Phelan. They grew up together in the village of Mooncoin in south Kilkenny and their families share a close bond. David and his wife Alicia were watching the Late Late Show one Friday evening when they saw the portrait being unveiled and heard about the charity auction. When David’s wife Alicia turned to him and said ‘You have to buy that painting, you have to bring it home’, he knew she was right. A few weeks later, he bid at the online auction, and following a few nerve-wracking minutes, he emerged as the proud owner of the portrait. Truth be told, he doesn’t consider himself the owner, more a custodian. He uses the portrait to raise awareness and continue Vicky’s extraordinary legacy. 

Emma Cotter – Emma is an Endometriosis Patient who like many other Irish Women was dismissed, medically gaslit & was unable to access Specialist Care in Ireland after being told by Irish Medics in Ireland that she did not have Endometriosis. Emma travelled to Romania on the Cross Border Directive and finally received her diagnosis and underwent major surgery. Emma will share her experiences which have been incredibly traumatic to navigate over decades being failed by our Healthcare System.

Tickets are €15 including booking fee and available direct from Cneasú or Eventbrite.

This event is not suitable for young children or toddlers.

Over 16's only and under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

Full Weekend Packages are currently On Sale directly from Ballygarry Estate Hotel & Spa Booking Site.

Worldwide Endometriosis Awareness Walk 2025

Date: Sunday March 9th 2025

Venue: Ballygarry Estate & Wetlands, Leebrook, Tralee, Co. Kerry (Ire)

The Worldwide Endometriosis Walk happens worldwide on dates and venues across March for Endometriosis Awareness Month.

Cneasú brought the WW Endo Walk to Ballygarry Estate & Wetlands in March 2024 & are delighted to host it again in March 2025 as part of our Weekend Awareness Event.

Registration to attend will be available on Eventbrite. There is no cost to attend this walk.

Retreat Sponsorship Packages

If you are a Business or Individual who would like to be involved in contributing or collaborating in our Awareness Events please get in touch!

"Pop Up" Shop Availability at our March 9th Event.

Cost to Business €80 plus VAT to attend our Event - Package includes Table to Display your Product/ Service, Your Own Pop Up Banner & Inclusion on our Social Media Platforms.

Your company/service will also get the opportunity to advertise your product or Service in our Full Weekend Retreat Guest Goody Bags.

Use this opportunity to also grow your network.

If you are sponsoring Product for the Retreat Goody Bags, this cost will be deducted from your "Pop Up" Shop Fee - each business can discuss packages directly with Doireann Barrett

Cneasú by The Gluten Free Kitchen Company also stock a large range of Vitamins, Supplements, Sprays, Aloe Vera Drinks, Collagen, Terpenes, Skin Care Products available to purchase.

For more information on our Wellness Products check out our offering and order from a wide range of Vitamins, Supplements, Essential Oils via our Wellness Hub! 

Books & Resources

On this page you will find some information through Resources & literature related to Endometriosis & Coeliac Disease and the research I find helpful to learn more about my health, tips and information on how to manage my symptoms living with Chronic Illness to help enjoy life!

If you would like to Pre Order from our Existing Offering for Collection please contact us via our Ordering Form! Subject to Availability.

T&C's Apply.