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The Gluten Free Kitchen Company was Founded in 2011 by myself, Doireann Barrett, as a market stall providing quality Artisan hand-made food products, naturally 'Free From' Gluten, Wheat, Rye, Oats and Barley.

As a person living with Health Conditions including Endometriosis & Coeliac Disease I set up this community to share my knowledge, benefits of supplements, food options, skincare brands, holistic rituals that I use in my daily life that are free from, high quality, and safe for my health conditions.

I am a trained Wellness Ambassador & have worked in Retails since 1991 - even younger really as my family have been in retail for decades!

As well as focusing on the Endometriosis, Coeliac & Gluten Free Community in 2015 I set up my online platforms to reach out to others living with difficult health conditions and who were navigating traumatic experiences and began growing a community who could support each other better.

This is an Inclusive Brand - Everyone is Welcome to join our Community.

Cneasú became the newest project in The Gluten Free Kitchen Company Community in 2021. Cneasú is a Holistic Hub that hosts Retreats, Workshops, Support Groups & Events throughout the year.

And then Cothú became the next project created by The Gluten Free Kitchen Company which is our newest Food Concept that we have created from what we have learned from over a decade working with the Street Food Communities.

Why the original community name was created is because my home kitchen needed to be exclusively gluten free so that in my own home I don't have to worry about cross contamination which gave me the skills to ensure our production kitchen is also exclusively free from ingredients that trigger my Coeliac & Endo Customers.

I also cater for diets free from Dairy, Egg, Yeast, Refined white Sugar, Vegan & Vegetarian life-stylers!

Cneasú which means Healing and Cothú which means nutrition in the Irish Language are the newest additions to the project.

The Project has now developed into a Multi Award Winning Food & Wellness Community, sharing knowledge, supplying our own brand artisan food products at Market Stalls, direct Online Services, and we also supply a wide range of clean living wellness products which are available to deliver directly to your door globally.

The GFK Co. is a Multi Award Winning Community project which I have been developing and rolling out organically since 2011.

I have successfully won places on many EU & bank funded business programs where I learned how to develop and document my business model.

I set up the Community because part of the treatment and management of symptoms associated to Coeliac Disease is a strict avoidance of Ingredients that contain Gluten, Oats, Rye, Barley & Wheat amongst some of the lifestyle restrictions, as well as very diligent lifestyle choices to manage debilitating symptoms. A Gluten Free diet can also be beneficial for people living with Endometriosis.

This includes avoiding Ultra Processed Foods including non organic Fruit & Veggies that are readily available without the Health Warnings to educate communities of their damage to our health.

When in contact with these ingredients through ingestion, touch or cross contamination can trigger the immune system to react negatively causing serious adverse health issues.

Through navigating my way to live a lifestyle living with my health issues I began this community based project.

How I manage my health conditions, I have used many Fresh Food Ingredients, Recipes, Holistic products & rituals over the years to help with my health and from my experience with my health conditions created this community to offer our Hand Made Fresh Artisan Food Products and Wellness Ranges which are available to order from my online platforms, my Food-stall Events or by email, Whatsapp & telephone as well as educating people by sharing our learnings.

Who is Doireann?

I am Doireann, originally from Tralee, Co. Kerry, which is in the South West of Ireland.

I am a Mom, 'Free From' Consultant, Business Developer, Interior Designer, Former Property Manager & Estate Agent, Allergen/ Coeliac & Women's Health Campaigner, Mentor, an Endometriosis & Coeliac Disease Warrior, Mental Health First Aider, Brand Ambassador, Lover of all things Holistic and a Lifestyle Blogger!

I am the founding owner of The Gluten Free Kitchen Company, Cneasú & Cothú, which I first began the journey back in the early 2000's after seeing a gap in the market for quality 'Free From' food and wellness products.

I set off on my journey to research and began to share my findings and my community was born in 2011 when I attended our Local Enterprise Board, Start your own business program.

After a lifetime of difficult health symptoms since birth, annual Cervical Screening from the age of 20 years old from 1999 while living in Australia & surviving a brain clot at the age of 24 shortly after having my first child, I was finally diagnosed in 2004 at the age of 25 with Coeliac Disease which is a condition where your immune system attacks your own tissues when you eat the protein gluten or the grains wheat, rye, barley and for many Coeliacs, Oats (even the Gluten Free ones). This damages your gut (small intestine) so your body cannot properly take in nutrients. Coeliac disease can cause a range of 300 symptoms.

Within a year, in 2005, I was then diagnosed with Stage 4 Endometriosis which is a Chronic Systemic Inflammatory Disease which can cause serious adverse health conditions where cells (endometriotic) are found throughout the body, found most frequently in the pelvis affecting the pelvic structures, ovaries, bowel, bladder, ureters (tubes from kidney to bladder). These cells can also be found in the diaphragm, lung, pericardium ( sac surrounding your heart), skin & brain. Endometriosis is a common condition and has been found in approx 1 in 9 women, Endometriosis has also been found in Fetuses, Transgender & Cis Males.

From an infant I suffered from severe gut issues & my symptoms began to get more extreme as early as 11 years old once my menstrual cycle began, where I lived with incredibly debilitating symptoms.

I had my first Women's Health Diagnosis in 1999 in Australia where I was advised to have yearly Cervical Screening and after I had my first child at the age of 23, my immune system began to crash so severely that when he was only 13 months old I temporally lost the sight in my left eye & was rushed to hospital where I was lucky to survive a brain clot, I was only 24 years old.

I researched my severe symptoms where I brought my research to Consultants & requested the necessary tests where I was 25 & 26 when I finally got a medical diagnosis of Coeliac Disease and then Stage 4 Endo and continued to struggle to access any appropriate care & struggled to access appropriate Endometriosis treatment for another 18 years post diagnosis after more than 2 decades of symptoms to even find a formal diagnosis.

I know only too well the difficulties of living with difficult physical conditions which lead me to set up The Gluten Free Kitchen Company Community in 2011.

In 2012 I introduced the Wellness Services and 2015 created a social media platform to meet new people who were travelling similar paths.

I began growing a community online & offline to further support our emotional needs through creating platforms where we can meet others navigating similar journeys.

I have had to endure numerous surgical interventions over a 32 year period including two major surgeries, I lost 2 organs by the time I was 37 and 6 by the time I turned 42, I underwent many treatments including hormonal replacements, trial treatments, medical induced menopause, oncology & radiation, surgical induced Menopause & surgical induced Type 2 Diabetes which I have reversed & have 32 plus difficult years experience living with the disease, that I have developed many skills managing my symptoms.

I understand the level of management involved in getting to enjoy life to the best of our ability while dealing with such serious and difficult symptoms on a daily basis so I set up The GFK Co Brand as a shared knowledge based community and service!

I believe in a lifestyle that is inclusive, enjoyable & stress free and began my journey through offering a service that caters for the needs of the healthier lifestyle, incorporating Mind, Body & Soul!

When I was first diagnosed with Coeliac disease, I saw a gap in the market with the food products on offer in the food service & café/deli offering and the huge risk of cross contamination and lack of understanding about how serious lack of knowledge about hidden allergens can have on a consumer.

The rise in highly processed foods and hidden ingredients can have a detrimental impact on our health and how we manage and monitor our symptoms so knowing what we are eating is a minefield when eating out of the home.

Irelands First Gluten Free & Coeliac Safe Café, in 2012 I went onto open Ireland's first all Gluten Free & Coeliac Safe café as a 10 Day “Pop Up” that remained open on a short term lease between 2012 & 2014 and this is how my journey to develop the GFK Co. brand got formally established.

In 2015 the Café Outlet Project had to be paused as I was faced with a serious complication to my health that needed my full attention to focus on surgeries, recovery periods & treatment plans!

I moved the community online where we trade directly from a small production kitchen & trade at Market, Festivals & Foodstall Events as well as hosting workshops, retreats and attending Expos..

My ambition is to eventually create a safe brand of outlets/food trucks that cater for those suffering with food intolerances, diseases and allergies while allowing our customers to enjoy a meal amongst loved ones without the unfortunate cross contamination issues that still exists for a person with serious dietary exclusions.

My experience, I have over 30 years experience in the corporate, retail and sales sector and I come from a long line of family business owners.

As a patient I also have the experience of living with such serious health conditions and knowing what it takes to enjoy life with the skills learned by living with such serious symptoms my entire life.

The Project concept has won many places on EU Funded Business Programs where I have been mentored, received funding and have been trained in my current industry sector.

On these EU Funded Business Programs I have travelled all over Europe where I have attended Workshops, courses, Business Bootcamps, Accelerator Programs, Local Enterprise Board "Start Your Own Business" Program, Enterprise Ireland's New Frontiers Program, SuperValu Food Academy and many Expos.

I have been privileged to have attended all these programs in many places such as Milan - Italy, Berlin & Strasburg - Germany, Pembroke shire & Cardiff - Wales, Brussels - Belgium, London - UK and all over Ireland!

Where the project is currently

I currently run my own brand as a Sole Trader supplying Artisan food products on a small scale on a “made to order” capacity, I sell at food-stall events and my online store provides my food offering and recommended wellness products on a nationwide and global availability.

I also work as a Brand Ambassador for some of the best products on the market and have been able to introduce many like-minded individuals to companies that I have worked with and do work with who have become brand ambassadors and some who have eventually gone onto build their own businesses.

I attend lots of events also as a Guest Speaker discussing my experiences.

I also own a Limited Company called The Gluten Free Kitchen Company LTD which I own 100% Equity of and have been building it organically through EU Funded Business Programs and Entrepreneurship & Business Grant aid.

As part of this project I have created a new community business concept called Cothú which has been born from my experiences the past decade from trading as a sole trader and learning from the "Free From/ Gluten Free/ Coeliac & Endometriosis Communities!

I am currently raising the Start Up Capital for this project through investment &/or partnership of the Limited Company!

If you are an Investor or have an interest in becoming a Partner in this project I would love to hear from you where we can schedule a zoom call to see if we are a match for this project. All Financial Projections are available for this project and have been drafted by my Financial Advisor.

You can schedule a call with me via our contact form Here!

Sharing my knowledge academically

I am a co-author of a published case study on my business model which was co-written by Trinity College Business School Professors Paul Coughlan & David Coghlan, Claire Riggs Liverpool University UK & Denise O’ Leary, UCD College Dublin.

My case study chapter was published by Emerald Books in 2016 and is taught Internationally as part of Business Studies Courses in University level, “Organising Supply Chain Processes for Sustainable Innovation in the Agri-Food Industry”. This case study was presented in Milan, Italy in November 2015 during the Milan Expo.

I also attend Guest Speaking Events where I have discussed life living with such serious health conditions.

Awards & Accolades

Since the establishment of The GFK Co. food and wellness brand, I have gone onto win many awards, nominations and accreditation's and have received lots of media attention.

My business has won Gluten Free Food Business of the Year for the Republic of Ireland three consecutive years in a row 2020, 2021 & 2022!

I recently won the Irish Women's Awards 2023 Community Achievement Award for my work in the community.

Mentoring, Judging & Support Work

In May 2022 I was appointed by The Coeliac Society of Ireland, Ireland's leading Charity Supporting the Coeliac Community as their Kerry Co- Ordinator. Kerry Support Group!

As well as supporting the Coeliac Community I run Retreats, Workshops and Events through the Cneasú Community.

In March 2024 I hosted the Screening of "Below the Belt" a documentary exposing the failures in the Medical System for the Endometriosis Community - I also hosted Ireland's First Endometriosis Awareness Retreat & Kerry's First Endometriosis Worldwide Walk in my hometown of Tralee on the beautiful Ballygarry Estate.

I also participate in Mentoring & Judging panels nationwide including the Mentor Her Program.

I am a featured leader on the Learn From Leaders Project

Hobbies & Passions

I have a big interest in wellness and well-being and in my spare time, I enjoy yoga, surf/ paddle-boarding/beach life and practice a holistic lifestyle.

Social Media

Get Social with Us! Follow the Brand on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram  TikTok & Snapchat!

Reach out If you would like to learn more about how my products and services can benefit your life-style be sure to reach out.

Be Well and Thank you for Supporting my Business Brand & Community.

Doireann xx




"Collected my first order from this business this evening and I must say the products that I received are fantastic apple tart scones muffins brownies and bread all taste fantastic and guaranteed I’ll be back for more keep up the great work and thank you very much."

— M Cahill
Facebook Review

"When you have to start eating Gluten/Lactose Free most of the food tastes awful. Googled and found this Company and food tasted delicious. Small morsels of extremely tasty food. Bliss."

— A Dyke
Facebook Review

"Always friendly service and food is amazing, can't fault the place!"

— G Bryan
Facebook Review

"Doireann's Gluten Free Christmas pudding was such a treat!!! It was loved by all!"

— S Kinsella
Facebook Review

"I can't believe it's gluten free! It's so tasty and delicious with that homemade taste that's rare nowadays. Highly recommended."

— A O'Connor
Facebook Review

"I call here whenever I'm in Tralee. It's nice for a Coeliac to know that you can eat everything on the menu!"

— S O'Donovan
Facebook Review

"Wow thank you so much for your absolutely beautiful
chocolate eclairs and fresh cream buns, they were just soooooo yummy."

— S Quilter
Facebook Review